Results 501 to 520 of 1,589
On eve of dedication, architect reflects on culture, environment, spiritual principle
AGUA AZUL, Colombia, July 20, 2018
As Sunday’s dedication of the Baha’i Temple in Colombia approaches, the architect describes the sources of inspiration that have guided the project.
Youth lead on development in UN Forum
BIC NEW YORK, July 18, 2018
Young people offer distinctive perspectives on their generation’s responsibility in contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Casting a spotlight on media and religion in India
NEW DELHI, July 12, 2018
Media professionals and other societal leaders gathered to discuss the complexity of reporting on religion and how coverage influences the public.
Education uplifts in Mentawai Islands
TUAPEIJAT, Indonesia, July 4, 2018
A recent conference explored the role of spiritual education in building peaceful and prosperous communities.
Counsellors’ conversation on spiritual transformation and social change: Part 2
BAHA'I WORLD CENTRE, June 29, 2018
Reflecting on the experience of Baha’i-inspired organizations, a group of African Counsellors discuss educational endeavors.
Colombia Temple nears completion as dome is adorned with sacred symbol
AGUA AZUL, Colombia, June 23, 2018
The moment marks the near-completion of world’s second local Baha’i House of Worship.
Cohorts of university students inspired to act
BAHA'I WORLD CENTRE, June 14, 2018
Baha’i-inspired educational program helps young adults study, consult about social transformation.
Advancement of women and girls featured at major forum on development
BRUSSELS, Belgium, June 8, 2018
The BIC contributed to this year’s European Development Days, which focused on women’s empowerment and rights.
Counsellors’ conversation on spiritual transformation and social change: Part 1
Reflecting on spiritual and moral education programs for youth, Counsellors describe the transformation of communities.
Lunda people draw on Baha’i teachings to transform culture, music
MWINILUNGA, Zambia, May 18, 2018
A remarkable process of social transformation is underway among a segment of the Lunda population in Zambia, which is reflected in changes in their music.
South America Temple bridges two eras
SANTIAGO, Chile, May 11, 2018
While its innovative architecture has attracted many awards, the Temple also has a vital role in community building.
Delegates return home energized, inspired
With the celebration of the 12th day of Ridvan yesterday afternoon, the extraordinary period of the 12th International Baha’i Convention came to a close.
New film gives voice to communities around the world
A new documentary film about the community-building efforts of the Baha’i world, as seen through the eyes of local populations, was released today.
Hope and purpose shine through at International Convention
In an extraordinary display of unity in diversity, delegates from around the world have been describing developments in their Baha’i communities.
Universal House of Justice elected
BAHA’I WORLD CENTRE, April 30, 2018
The results of the election of the nine members of the Universal House of Justice have been announced.
Delegates celebrate Ridvan festival in Bahji
BAHA’I WORLD CENTRE, April 30, 2018
More than 2,000 people representing a cross section of the human race came together today in Bahji to celebrate the festival of Ridvan.
Delegates cast ballots to elect Universal House of Justice
BAHA’I WORLD CENTRE, April 29, 2018
Over 1,300 representatives from around the world cast their ballots today to elect the Universal House of Justice.
Publication explores advancements in development efforts worldwide
BAHA’I WORLD CENTRE, April 27, 2018
A new edition of *For the Betterment of the World* illustrates the Baha’i community’s ongoing process of learning and action in the field of development.
Worldwide representatives gather for 12th International Convention
BAHA’I WORLD CENTRE, April 25, 2018
Some 1,300 delegates representing more than 160 countries have arrived in Haifa to participate in the 12th International Baha’i Convention.
Leaving after many years of service in Holy Land
BAHA’I WORLD CENTRE, April 22, 2018
The Universal House of Justice has announced that two of its members will be resigning owing to considerations of age.