“A refuge for all”: Bahá’í temple in Germany marks 60th anniversary

July 25, 2024

LANGENHAIN, Germany — Visitors from across Europe paused as they approached the Bahá’í House of Worship in Langenhain, absorbing words that lifted their minds and hearts to a place of inner peace: “This house is a haven for the deepest contemplation on spiritual reality and foundational questions of life.” Stepping inside, they were enveloped by an atmosphere of tranquility and reverence. Light streamed through 540 glass panels in the dome, illuminating the space below. Outside on the temple grounds, a vibrant celebration unfolded, where unity and peace became a tangible experience.

Nestled in the serene landscape of Langenhain, the House of Worship evokes a sense of reverence and devotion as visitors from across Europe approach this sacred place.

This sacred space welcomed some 4,000 people over four days, including government officials, civil society representatives, people of all faiths and none, and families and residents from nearby communities who had come to celebrate the temple’s 60th anniversary.

Among the speakers at the event was Christian Heinz, Minister of Justice of the State of Hesse, who reflected on the significance of the temple. He emphasized that the House of Worship, established in the peaceful setting of Hofheim-Langenhain, emerged as a symbol of hope at a time when it was most needed—after the Second World War, as the continent was recovering from profound turmoil and loss.

Images showing various stages of the raising of the House of Worship. Top: A glimpse from early 1962, capturing the construction phase. Bottom left, center to right: Hand of the Cause Amelia Collins; Anneliese Bopp; Hand of the Cause Ali-Akbar Furutan; and Hand of the Cause Ugo Giachery during the laying of the foundation stone of the temple on 20 November 1960. Bottom right: Inaugural ceremony marking the completion of the temple’s main structure.

Mr. Heinz remarked, “The thought that comes to mind is that the House of Worship arises from the conviction that peace among people can only exist in a community that is inclusive, where everyone can participate and contribute as they wish. This place stands open to all people regardless of their religious affiliation or origin—a refuge for all.” He noted that this inclusivity is a powerful counter to the exclusive tendencies seen in society today.

Hans Martin Noltenius, Secretary of the Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly of Germany, stated that the temple is “a symbol of the unity of humanity, a guiding principle of the Bahá’í Faith, with its nine entrances facing all directions, welcoming people of all backgrounds and religions.”

Top, from left to right: Hans Martin Noltenius, Secretary of the Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly of Germany; Karin Dimitriou, the temple’s director, and Christian Heinz, Minister of Justice of the State of Hesse. Bottom-left: Mayor Christian Vogt.

Mayor Christian Vogt emphasized the temple’s significance as a symbol of unity: “The remarkable building is an indispensable part of our city. But it is especially your openness and tolerance toward people of all religions and worldviews that enriches our community.”

Provided below is a glimpse of the four-day anniversary event on the grounds of the House of Worship, which included devotional programs, artistic presentations, and an exhibit on the history of the temple.

Devotional programs and the verses sung by the choir created a spiritually uplifting atmosphere within the Bahá’í House of Worship.

Devotional programs and the verses sung by the choir created a spiritually uplifting atmosphere within the Bahá’í House of Worship.

Inside the temple, visitors from diverse backgrounds found a serene moment for prayer and reflection. Jayden, 14, described how the atmosphere in the environs of the House of Worship enabled him to reflect deeply on his life and future. “I began contemplating important questions I hadn’t thought of before, finding inspiration for my future, a future in the arts.”

Inside the temple, visitors from diverse backgrounds found a serene moment for prayer and reflection. Jayden, 14, described how the atmosphere in the environs of the House of Worship enabled him to reflect deeply on his life and future. “I began contemplating important questions I hadn’t thought of before, finding inspiration for my future, a future in the arts.”

The presence of many youth contributed significantly to the vibrant atmosphere of the celebration. One youth, Lasse, remarked, “Whenever I’m at the House of Worship, I always feel the oneness of the human family. There is no sense of separation based on where someone comes from—everyone is warmly welcomed, and you feel comfortable, not like a stranger. This beautiful feeling is rarely found in society.”

The presence of many youth contributed significantly to the vibrant atmosphere of the celebration. One youth, Lasse, remarked, “Whenever I’m at the House of Worship, I always feel the oneness of the human family. There is no sense of separation based on where someone comes from—everyone is warmly welcomed, and you feel comfortable, not like a stranger. This beautiful feeling is rarely found in society.”

Kristina, another youth attending the event, said, “It was an honor for me to participate in the celebrations and to spend these joyful days in the company of wonderful people from all over the world. The feeling of togetherness accompanied me throughout the weekend.”

Kristina, another youth attending the event, said, “It was an honor for me to participate in the celebrations and to spend these joyful days in the company of wonderful people from all over the world. The feeling of togetherness accompanied me throughout the weekend.”

Through presentations and activities over the four days of the celebration, participants learned about Bahá’í educational programs that foster patterns of community life based on service and worship. Manish Kanojiya, an attendee, stated: “The heartfelt prayers and conversations about community initiatives was a reminder that making a positive impact starts with coming together in love and kindness.”      Layla, from Kazakhstan, elaborated: “Serving others is not just an individual act but a collective activity that binds communities together. The celebration showed that through shared devotion and service, we can build strong, connected communities, embodying the principles of the Bahá’í Faith,” such as the equality of women and men, the harmony of science and religion, and justice.

Through presentations and activities over the four days of the celebration, participants learned about Bahá’í educational programs that foster patterns of community life based on service and worship. Manish Kanojiya, an attendee, stated: “The heartfelt prayers and conversations about community initiatives was a reminder that making a positive impact starts with coming together in love and kindness.”

Layla, from Kazakhstan, elaborated: “Serving others is not just an individual act but a collective activity that binds communities together. The celebration showed that through shared devotion and service, we can build strong, connected communities, embodying the principles of the Bahá’í Faith,” such as the equality of women and men, the harmony of science and religion, and justice.

The event featured an exhibit on the history of the temple.

The event featured an exhibit on the history of the temple.

An aerial view of the Bahá’í House of Worship in Langenhain.

An aerial view of the Bahá’í House of Worship in Langenhain.