In Conversation: Counsellors on the advancement of women

June 2, 2023

Podcast: In conversation: Counsellors on the advancement of women

In this episode, Counsellors discuss efforts in communities around the world to foster a culture of equality among women and men.

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BAHÁ’Í WORLD CENTRE — A recent story of the News Service introduced a series of podcasts recorded during a conference of the Continental Boards of Counsellors at the Bahá’í World Centre. The first episode explored the ways young people engaged in Bahá’í community-building endeavors are contributing to social transformation in their neighborhoods and villages.

In this episode, several Counsellors discuss Bahá’í efforts to foster a culture of equality among women and men in communities around the world. The conversation includes Counsellors Bhavna Anbarasan from India, Augustino Ibrahim from Tanzania, Townshend Lihanda from Kenya, Yevgeniya Poluektova from Ukraine, Orlando Ravelo from the Canary Islands, and Niroshini Saleh from Sri Lanka.

This discussion highlights how Bahá’í moral and spiritual education initiatives are contributing to the advancement of women in countries throughout globe. Ms. Poluektova tells a compelling story about the resilience of women refugees in several European countries who are participating in these initiatives. Despite their challenging circumstances, the women are finding creative ways to enhance the life of their communities.

Referring to the words of Bahá’u’lláh to regard every human being “as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value,” Ms. Poluektova states: “Irrespective of where you are ... empowerment is not something that an NGO gives you. You have this power inside, and [by] working together with other people, this power multiplies.”