The seven Iranian Baha’i leaders who formerly looked after the needs of Iran’s Baha’i community.

Trial of Iran’s seven Baha’i leaders

United Nations statements

In recent years the United Nations – through its General Assembly and in reports by its Secretary General and a number of Special Rapporteurs – has called upon the Islamic Republic of Iran to account for its actions.

The Baha’i International Community has also made a number of statements to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, transcripts of which can be linked to below.

Statements of the United Nations

Report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Human Rights Council, 19th session (20 March 2012)

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UN General Assembly, Human Rights Council, 19th session (6 March 2012)

The situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UN General Assembly, 66th session, Third Committee (21 November 2011)

Report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UN General Assembly 66th session (15 September 2011)

Interim report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in Iran

UN General Assembly, Human Rights Council, 16th session (14 March 2011)

Report of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Heiner Bielefeldt

UN General Assembly, Human Rights Council, 16th session (14 February 2011)

The situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UN General Assembly, 65th session, Third Committee (29 October 2010)

Report of the Secretary General on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UN General Assembly 65th Session (15 September 2010)

The situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UN General Assembly, 64th session, Third Committee (29 October 2009)

Report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UN General Assembly, 64th session (23 September 2009)

The situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UN General Assembly, 63rd session (30 October 2008)

Report of the Secretary-General on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

UN General Assembly, 63rd session (1 October 2008)

Statements of the Baha’i International Community

Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to education

(28 June 2012)

Oral statement to HRC 20th Session

(28 June 2012)

Contribution to the report of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly on “Combating intolerance, negative stereotyping, stigmatization, discrimination, incitement to violence and violence against persons, based on religion or belief”

(13 June 2012)

UN Human Rights Council – 19th session

(14 March 2012)

Question in Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran

(12 March 2012)

Oral statement to the 18th session of the UN Human Rights Council

(23 September 2011)

Oral statement to the 17th session of the UN Human Rights Council

(15 June 2011)

Oral statement to the 16th session of the UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief

(1 March 2011)

Oral statement to the 15th session of the UN Human Rights Council

(1 September 2010)

Oral statement to the 14th session of the UN Human Rights Council

(10 June 2010)

Oral statement to the Fourteenth Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva

(8 June 2010)

Oral statement to the 13th session of the UN Human Rights Council, on freedom of religion or belief

(15 March 2010)

Oral statement to the Thirteenth Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva

(15 March 2010)

Oral Statement to the Twelfth Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva

(September 2009)

Oral Statement to the Eleventh Session of the UN Human Rights Council

(June 2009)

Question for interactive dialogue with Ms. Asma Jahangir, Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief, Tenth Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva

(10 March 2009)

Oral Statement of the Baha’i International Community to the Tenth Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva

(March 2009)

Oral Statement of the Baha’i International Community to the Eighth Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Geneva

(6 June 2008)

Oral statement to the seventh session of the UN Human Rights Council

(14 March 2008)

Oral Statement to the Fourth Session of the Human Rights Council

(12 March 2007)

Treatment of the Followers of the Baha'i Faith in the Islamic Republic of Iran

(27 March 2006)

Oral Statement to the 61st Session of the Commission on Human Rights

(14 March 2005)

Written statement to the 55th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights under Agenda item 10 of the provisional agenda: The Right to Education.

(1 April 1999)

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